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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Why is Mold Removal Important?

Mold removal is certainly a vital service nowadays, given that the fungus is capable of doing damage not only to the structural components of a home, but also to the people residing inside it. Getting the contact numbers of professional restoration services should be part of your pre-flood and storm preparations, especially since they are able to negate what mold is capable of doing. Remember, mold spreads quickly, given that it only releases spores into the air. If the area is damp, away from sunlight exposure and dirty, it will inevitably thrive. That said, why is removing mold growth very important, especially today?

black mold on walls

Mold can cause health problems

Mold removal will certainly negate the possibility of the residents from experiencing the health problems that it may cause. Here are some examples of its hindrances relating to health:
  • Allergic symptoms. These include constant sneezing, runny nose, irritated eyes and even skin irritation. It could even cause headaches, fever and shortness of breath.
  • Aspergillosis. This disease comes from mold genus Aspergillis. Though the mild form of the disease can cause the above mentioned allergic symptoms, its more terrifying and invasive form can invade and destroy body organs.
  • Mycotoxicosis. Usually coming from black mold, this disease can inhibit lung functions, causing respiratory problems. Aside from negating the organ's ability to eliminate solid particles in it, this disease can stop the body's ability to perform protein synthesis.

There are a number of cases wherein mold has been able to cause severe health problems, especially to people with sensitive respiratory organs and those with fragile health, like children. Though not dangerous in small amounts, it can cause severe problems in large infestations – especially if undetected and untreated. This can also apply to an office scenario – health problems due to mold growth will result to employee productivity problems.

Mold looks plain horrible

Mold removal is pretty important, especially in the aftermath of floods. This is so because as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, damp and wet conditions cause mold to grow – something that floods bring to the table. Aside from posing health problems, they may also cause aesthetic problems as well – who would want to have furry, green, black or white growths on their walls, ceilings and furniture? In order to remove the possibility of mold growth after floods, a head-on home restoration may turn into a necessity.

Green Mold in kitchen Cabinets

Mold is really bad for business

In the real estate business, mold removal services is widely sought after. This is so mainly because homes and properties that are put on sale are oftentimes neglected. There may be trapped moisture on the roof and basements during rains – even the existence of a single mold spore can lead to large infestations. The presence of mold in these properties will certainly affect the market value – and may even turn off potential customers.

Overall, mold removal is vital, given that it is an essential service that helps out in turning houses into better homes. Though cleaning an infestation up personally is feasible, finding it in large amounts will certainly require professional services. 


Anonymous said...

This is great advice on the signs to watch for and when to call in a professional.

-Kris C.

Anonymous said...

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