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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Removing Molds from Porous Materials

Not a lot of people may know this, but the best way on how to remove mold is to remove and throw away the affected material. Any object in the house that has molds must be thrown away because molds can spread their spores all over. These spores can land to areas that have moisture and can then form mold colonies. Removing the material is necessary if your home is affected by flood. If those objects -- books for example -- have minimal mold growth, you can put them under the sun. However, if the quantity of molds is too much, those materials need not to stay longer in your home. Disinfecting them is a long process, so you have no choice but to throw them away.

Removing Molds

Molds that have been entrenched unto materials that are porous are difficult to deal with. Some remove portions of the wall just to eliminate molds. Others would remove the material entirely just to make sure. Then there are those who hire professionals to do the removal. Molds that have penetrated deeply unto different areas of the home can be removed using a disinfectant. There are natural disinfectants such as vinegar and soapy water. There are also strong mold removal products such as bleach, borax and baking soda.

Using disinfectants

There are chemicals that are strong enough to remove molds from parts of your home. You can use borax powder that's mixed with water to remove molds. Borax is arguably one of the safest products to use against molds. It can penetrate on areas that have molds and it can remove them from their roots. You can have a mixture by pouring a glass of borax to a gallon of water. Then, stir until the powder fully dissolves. Before you even clean the area, make sure that you are wearing the right protective clothing. Contain the area because your movements might prompt mold spores to glide in the air. Close all doors and windows found in the affected area to ensure that molds will not reach other rooms.


Aside from strong disinfectants, there are also substances that are helpful in removing molds at home. Baking soda and water are an effective alternative to kill the molds from porous materials. The method is similar when mixing borax to water. You just need to pour in a glass of baking soda into a gallon of water. Stir it until the baking soda is completely dissolved. This substance can also be used on porous and even concrete objects. Both are treated effectively using baking soda and water, which protect the areas from residues left behind after the cleanup.

The actual process 

Before you start scrubbing the area that has molds, spray water to moisten the area so that spores are not able to become airborne. Next, clean the area by using detergent and a brush. Don't leave out the edges and corners of the wall or the affected area. Molds can grow even on hard to reaches places, so make sure that every area is given focus while cleaning. After that, disinfect the area by using borax. The molds can come back after a few days, so repeat the process regularly to make sure that molds are permanently removed. Also, make sure that the area is not moist after you're done.